2016 Project Updates

July 2 Eco Workshop on Water Level Management: The following is a link to the presentation given by the MNRF at the July 2nd ECO Workshop. The presentation an be found here. Please contact Ken Harper if you have any questions.

The MNRF performed a fish study in 2016 with a goal of tagging 100 bass. Other species of fish were also caught and tagged in this study. The MNRF returned in the fall to see if they could re-catch any tagged fish to determine their migration patterns. If you catch a tagged fish and plan to keep it or it dies in the catch the MNRF would like to take the tag out of service. you can call the MNRF at 705-646-5543 to report it.

New Owner of Quarry Researching Re-zoning: Eight years ago, the PLA won a landmark ruling at the Ontario Municipal Board to stop a quarry on Peninsula Lake. (between Hills Bay and Hwy 60). That property has now been sold and the new owners are, once again, proposing a quarry. They have met with Mayor Bob Young and the Planning Department of the Township of Lake of Bays. Your PLA Board has also had an initial meeting with the new owners. So far no zoning application has been filed. We will keep you informed.

Benthic Monitoring on Penlake: How do your local sites fare? For a preliminary evaluation of your lake, refer to the attached Aquatic Invertebrate Data Sheets. If your sites are reference lakes, assumed to reflect the best ecosystem conditions in Muskoka, no assessment is warranted. For test locations, assessments can be made by comparing test-site index values against the averages for Muskoka reference lakes, which are provided in the shaded box at bottom right.

In General: Richness should be high (close to the average for Muskoka or above). % EOT will decrease and % Chironomids will increase over time with water quality impairment.

Predators should be less than the other types of benthos (shredders, collector/gatherers) and these percentages should remain relatively constant over time. The Hilsenhoff Index value should be close to the average for Muskoka or less, as a lower value indicates healthier water. Even though most of the lakes in Muskoka are quite similar, no two lakes are identical and there are various factors that play a role in determining the relative abundances of different types of aquatic invertebrates. Comparing your lake's data to the rest of the lakes in Muskoka is not definite, but it can give you an idea. If there is a trend in all the types of indices and data, either above or below normal, it may indicate your lakes overall quality.

Thank you letter from the District of Muskoka 
Aquatic Invertebrate Data Sheet 1 Date Sheet 2 Data Sheet 3

Muskoka Conservancy: Please don't forget Rebecca Ferguson from Muskoka Conservancy offers free personalized consultations to discuss any forest related questions. Invasive species are slowly making their way up to this area and it is important to know the signs and symptoms as well as best options to manage them if they are on your property! Other topics that could interest you as landowners are good options for planting trees and native plants, forest wildlife, or pruning options. Please send her an email at rferguson@muskokaconservancy.org or call her at 705-645-7393 ext. 206 to have your questions answered or to set up a visit!

Love Your Lake, Lake Level Report: See the report here

NatureWatch at Nature Canada: Their mission is to protect and conserve nature in Canada by engaging Canadians and by advocating on behalf of nature.

Click here for more information on how to get involved.